Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I am so terrible at updating. My bad.

I'm going to try to do better here.  My college semester started a couple of weeks ago, and while it's not going to be incredibly difficult, it will be pretty work-intensive.  I don't know what possessed me to take 15 credit hours while working 40 hours a week, but there it is.  I do want to get out of school before I turn 30.

In music-and-creative-junk-I-do news, I've started a project that I've entitled--drumroll, please--the Southern Music Project.  ...I am going to do my best to come up with a better name if this takes off, I swear.  Anyway, it consists of about 11 people now, mostly concentrated in my city, but with a few people in other cities around the South.  We're a small collective of lyricists and/or musicians, most of whom have been in bands before but are currently not in a band, who desire to write and record music together...without having to be in a band.  My whole reasoning behind this collective was...well, many reasons...

1.  Musicians are flaky.  I love my pure-musician friends, but I am a bit Type A regarding making it to practices/being on time, and so I need a project where I can control that mo' betta'.

2.  I don't have time for a band right now, with a weekly practice, and weekend gigs, or weekday gigs, perish the thought.  Most of my non-work, non-school free time is going to be given over to the boyfriend/friends or reading, or moving into/fixing up my new house...or, well, anything but being in a band with four other people who may or may not understand the concept of dependability and punctuality.

3.  I want to be in almost total control, and I am.  (Except my collaborative partner, The Collaborator.  He is the other boss of this show.  Fortunately, he listens to me.  Mostly.)  Yes, I realize this makes me a Musician Nazi.  I don't care.

So hopefully soon--you will hear the Southern Music Project's version of "The Octogenarian Project."  I very much like the word Project.  It makes me sound so important!

'Til next time.

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