Sunday, June 26, 2011

There won't be a lot of novel updates anymore.

While I had a spike in late May/early June, the blog visits have fallen off again. And I really don't get a lot of comments. All blogs are vanity projects, but this one seems kind of meaningless. I would rather have dialogue than endless monologue.

I'm also a little hesitant about putting a whole novel up, too. It seems like a bad idea, but I can't articulate why. So, I suppose if any of you would like to do a read-through critique of the novel when it's finished, I would love to have a lot of good feedback. But other than that, I won't be putting any more of it up here.

There may be occasional updates to link some music or put down some poetry or short prose, just so I can keep up with it. But I'm not really seeing the need to keep a blog that focuses almost entirely on my novel when honestly, it's not very interesting.

Thanks for everyone who has been a reader in the past. I really appreciate your patronage. Excelsior!

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