Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scratch what I said before--and new poem.

You know, I have talked so much about the tornado, because people keep asking me questions, that I just don't want to talk about it anymore. So. That said. Today I wrote a poem. It's not in any traditional form, which was a departure for me. Here it is.


You will need three knives. (At least. Bring more.)
One of silver, to ward against wolves.
One of iron, to fend off fairies.
And one of bronze, to open doors (to other realms, and other lives).

A musical instrument. Like a lyre, or a lute
Or a harp (or harmonica). Maybe a flute.
An iPod would do. They don't like technology.
They have issues with order, with zeroes and ones.

Take a candle. (Or a torch. Or a flamethrower. Take several.)
You wondered why you were afraid of the dark as a child.
You'll soon remember.
The darkness is where the wilder things go wild.

A skeleton key. A ball of twine.
A gorgon's head if you've got it.
(You've not? More's the pity.)
A few more odds and ends and you should be fine.

Remember no bowstring should match the nimbleness of your wits.
That no shield should be as steadfast as your heart.
That no blade should equal the sharpness of your mind.
Remember that, and you should be fine.

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