Monday, May 23, 2011

I wonder if I can generate some traffic here.

If it weren't for Blogger being nice and providing my stats, I would never know if anyone ever read my blog.

But, as an experiment, I'm writing a poem that is all about search engine hits. Or something.

Hookers hookers hookers
Tornados and

Let's see the visitors pour in now!


  1. In the same vein I started a poem that goes something like

    Like me, link me,
    fan me, click me,
    tweet me [and so on]

    Some perverse commentary on social media/traffic/blogging etc.
    Fortunately I stopped. :)

    Thanks for pretending to read my blog.

  2. So you're basically saying that you re-wrote "Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me." I like it.
