Sunday, October 2, 2011

New stuff coming up soon, maybe even next weekend.

I'm working on a version of Snow White that's about half-done (though it still needs pictures) AND I have on the drawing board a re-telling of the legend of Robin of Sherwood Forest (so far entitled Robbin' HOOD).

It occurs to me that I may have misnamed my blog. But it was such a nice name, and I was doing more music last year.

Also, sometime before Halloween there should be an "audio book" version of King Owther, as read by my dear friend J.C. Smith-Hamner, who I desperately want to call "Jesus Christ Hammersmith." Maybe he'll let me. Also, Remy the Collaborator will be writing the backing music for it. It will be full of awesome and win and I may even have to make a video for Youtube, if I ever figure out how to do that.

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