Saturday, March 26, 2011

Moving Day.

A few months ago, not long after I started this blog, actually, I became a homeowner for the first time.  I did not think I would see my name on the deed to a house before I hit about 35, but apparently I was 8 years early to that party.

Of course, I am not the only name on the deed.  I own the house along with my sister and our parents.  Yes, I know.  I don't even want to hear it.  The Wonder Kid is finishing her last two years of medical school and I am finishing my last year and a half of business school so we can go out in the world and make meeeeellions.  Theoretically, anyway (though I'm not learning Mandarin just so I can pay a paltry wage, that's for sure).

Anyway, I didn't mention it because I'm not sure owning a home is very rockstar, unless it's one of those squillion-dollar ridiculous homes in California or something.  However, today is Moving Day, so the next time I post, it will be from the safety and security of my very own home that I actually own.  Which, come to think of it, IS pretty rockstar.

1 comment:

  1. We will build you a moat and drawbridge, along with getting you a Jeeves. That would very VERY rockstar.
